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HomeValley Farm and MJOC

Valley Farm and MJOC

Valley Farm and MJOC

Melbourne Jeep Owners Club have had a long association with Valley Farm at Narbethong alongside the mighty Acheron River. Our very early days of driver training with Four Wheel Drive Victoria were at Valley Farm and our instructor was Jim Kennedy who now runs the Black Spurr in at Narbethong where MJOC and members have had many functions.


A little History of Valley Farm

Valley farm was once set up as a driver training ground with numerous obstacles and water crossings set up by the Cross Cpountry Jeep Club (CCCV) whose members are getting past maintenance and care tasks to keep it all running. The CCCV were one of the founding clubs of Four Wheel Drive Victoria wich celebrates 50 years in 2025. The farm was badly damaged by the Black Saturday bushfires when CCCV members had to shelter in the river as flames went overhead.

Historically owned by the Eastaugh family who were founding members of the Cross Country Jeep Club the property was used for many mud runs and tractor pull events in the early days and was used for many years by Four Wheel Drive Victoria for driver training.

The new owners have reverted the area back to wildlife habitat and rehabilitation so many of the obstacles have now been decommissioned. The new owners do not want 4WD activities on the property but are still keen to allow camping and meets on the prperty. But the camping areas and other areas are still used for CCCV meets etc.


left from National Jeep Jamboree 2004 at Valley Farm


Valley Farm water obstacle

Fletch XJ in Water obstacle at Valley Farm

Driver training ramp at Valley Farm


The National Jeep Jamboree 2004

MJOC ran our first National Jeep Jamboree at Valley farm and saw many Jeepers from all over Australia come to our first Jambo.

The farm was set up with the 4WD obstacles as a seperate event, we had an articulation ramp, a huge marquee was brought in for the dinner, a seperate camp ground was set up in an adjoining paddock and we had a huge communal bonfire which went non stop. The bonfire was loaded enthusiastically by the owner John Eastaugh with his front end loader tractor, an awesome sight every hour or so as a huge pile of wood would be loaded on the fire.

The event was sponsored by Jeep Australia whose management staff joined us for the event supplying thousands of dollars worth of prizes and sponsorship.

We had many other sponsors for the event including USA 4X4, Jeep Action Magazine, Poly 4x4, Ausjeepoffroad forum, Opposite Lock, BF Goodrich, Bevilles Jewellers, JMC Powder Coating and many more.


Willys Jeep leads Convoy to Gallipoli Park in Marysville

At the 2004 Jamboree at Valley Farm the little checkered Willys Jeep that came all the way down from Queensland lead the convoy from the Jamboree HQ at Valley Farm all the way down theMaroonsdah Hwy to Buxton and then across the back way to Gallipoli Park at Marysville.

The Jeeps were still leaving Valley Farm when the Willys drove into Gallopoli Park creating a massive convoy of Jeeps.

An awesome sight as all the Jeeps arranged themselves around the oval at Gallipoli Park for the Jamboree Show n Shine competition.


The Jumping XJ Cherokee

The Xj Jeep Cherokee of member Yanis Radwinski leaped through the air exiting the mud dam at Valley Farm. A bit too much throttle and she launched through the air with a rather heavy landing. Photographed by Kaye Fletcher who just happened to have the camera pointing as it launched.

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