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HomeMJOC At Omaru

MJOC at Omaru - Kilmore

MJOC At Omaru

For 20 years of the clubs history, MJOC had access and use of a property near Kilmore called Omaru. The club used the property for its driver training activities and was able to use the property through the Boran-Fogarty family. One of our early members was Will Boroan Fogerty whos family had a number of properties in the area and Will was able to get the family to allow us to develop the property into a formidable training area. With it's natural slopes and an old quarry area we were able to create some fantastic tracks and obstacles for training.

The relationship with the family was quite strong and included another family member Wills sister Mary Larkin who was also a very enthusiastic club member for many years. The club would regularly take fire wood collected on the property up to Wills aunt Ursaline Boran and also did some regular maintenance around her old farmhouse in appreciation of the club's use of the property.

Will and Mary drifted away from the club but we still kept in touch and had the use of the property until Ursaline sadly passed away and the remaining family wanted to sell the property and we had to move out. The club apprciated having the use of the property for all those years.

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JJ's Shed

With funds we recieved from the 2004 National Jeep Jamboree the club invested in a large shed that was uesed for training and other gatherings at the property. We stored all our equipment in the shed and had it set up with a generator, lighting and heaps of stuff we had collected over the years. The shed was named in memory of the late John Jeffries who was a very popular President for many years.

The Ramps

We built some articulation ramps that really tested the suspension of the vehicles but also tested the nerves of the drivers. We had a small ramp and a kigher ramp that gave drivers the sensation of extreme side angles in a safe and controlled manner. It was great fun especially when a trainer would rock the car as it was up on the ramp with some terrified looks from those inside.

Omaru Mud

Mud Mud and more Mud

Some say the mud set like concrete when it dried and took weeks to wash off, yep that was true. It would sudenly appear in your drive eveb after multiple washes. But it was a great way to learn how to drive in muddy conditions.

Have a story to tell about your experiences at Omaru or have some great photos or video send them in to add to the Omaru story

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