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HomeMJOC Honor Board

MJOC Honour Board


Past Presidents 


1997 – 1999      Ian Fletcher (Founding President)

1999 – 2001      Geoff Miller

2001 – 2003      Ian Gray

2003 – 2005      John Jefferies (JJ) Deceased

2005 – 2007      Paul Kelly (2004 Jeep Jamboree Director)

2007 – 2009      Dan Martin

2009 – 2011      Brett Dashwood (2010 Jeep Jamboree Director)

2011 – 2013      Trevor Grixti

2013 – 2015      Phil Pavey

2015 – 2017      Rob McKechnie

2017 – 2019      Nigel Wood

2019 – 2020      Rob McKechnie

2020 – 2021      Ian Fletcher

2021 - 2022       Peter Fleming
2022 - 2023   Peter Fleming
2023 - 2024   Zoltan Deak

We acknowledge and respect Victorian Traditional Owners as the original custodians of Victoria’s land and waters, their unique ability to care for Country and deep spiritual connection to it. We honour Elders past, present and emerging, whose knowledge and wisdom has ensured the continuation of culture and traditional practices.